How we work
My Work-Life Analytics® is not a one size fits all approach. We take time to get under the skin of your business to understand the issues you’re facing and the outcomes you want to achieve.
This allows us to create an evolving programme designed to introduce a planned step-change integration of human data analytics into your organisation that will:
Objectively quantify the current wellbeing status of your organisation using the latest in human science/behavioural science expertise
Provide your people with the tools and insights to be in control of their own work-life balance
Ensure robust foundations of data ethics, security, and privacy are put in place
Empower and up-skill your HR function to cope with the demands of hybrid work patterns and the burgeoning wellbeing agenda
Demonstrate a clear and progressive intent to deliver a positive culture of wellbeing using the proven data-driven iHP system
Commercial Approach
Where are you now?
What direction do we take?
Feed study diagnostic of culture to establish current cultural/technical landscape:
Organisational design and behavioural characteristics using validated methodology
Data ethics/privacy requirements
IT Data architecture requirements
Evaluate existing ‘in situ’ HR factors to incorporate
What does objective data tell us?
What interventions will work?
Homeostat programme merging subjective and objective data, drilling to the causal factors:
Identifying cause from symptom, variables of interest and compound metric application
Developing specific use case data and produce representative organisational overview
Training of data models
Reporting and evaluating impact
What’s our status today?
How do we meet future challenges?
System provides 24/7 data insights for strategy, continual optimisation and ROI:
Interventions and user interfaces designed and rolled out
Predictive capability established
System seamlessly merges all HR and people initiatives and optimises investment
Agile capability to pivot to future challenges
Maintaining ‘Ideal Performance Zone’
Where are you now?
What direction do we take?
Feed study diagnostic of culture to establish current cultural/technical landscape:
Organisational design and behavioural characteristics using validated methodology
Data ethics/privacy requirements
IT Data architecture requirements
Evaluate existing ‘in situ’ HR factors to incorporate
What does objective data tell us?
What interventions will work?
Homeostat programme merging subjective and objective data, drilling to the causal factors:
Identifying cause from symptom, variables of interest and compound metric application
Developing specific use case data and produce representative organisational overview
Training of data modules
Reporting and evaluating impact
What’s our status today?
How do we meet future challenges?
System provides 24/7 data insights for strategy, continual optimisation and ROI:
Interventions and user interfaces designed and rolled out
Predictive capability established
System seamlessly merges all HR and people initiatives and optimises investment
Agile capability to pivot to future challenges
Maintaining ‘Ideal Performance Zone’